
by brit ginn

Sat, Nov 4th 12:47am

it was like we all left tulsa and went on vacation together...

Hi everybody!  We just got to our hotel room in Eureka Springs, Arkansas from Chelsea's Tavern.  I think everyone had a really fun first of Diversity Weekend. Between our tequila shots, our  new percussionist, the Different Every Time band, all our favorite cover songs, and Tiffani Turner(our very own private dancer), there was plenty of time for all of us to try out our brand new, fresh and hot dance moves.   And let me tell you, we were so smooth.  If anyone got any pictures of Tiffani on the dance floor please please email them to me   I collect these things.  And I'll share them.  That's part of the fun.

Tomorrow we're off to Wichita, where we'll chow on our favorite sandwiches (Twisted Sister!)  and try to discover the secret ingredient in the World's Best Guacamole.  We'll also get a few good hours of Carol and Harvey QT!

Then, happily, we'll stop by Tulsa on our way home.  It'll be our last River's Edge show of the season, and it'll probably be a little chilly, but bundle up and come on out.  They make delicious coffee!

Sat, Oct 21st 11:53pm

Oooo Girl

The Houston Women's Festival is so much fun.  I'm going every year from now on...maybe even if they don't ask us to play!

Monday is going to super fun too I think.  We'll be opening for Fred Eaglesmith at the Mucky Duck.  He's so great.

So...something else I wanted to let you know about...I've been hard at work at my grandfather's hotel and I'm pretty excited about it.  There are going to be some very exciting events happening -- some TGS, some not but definitely our friends -- and I'll keep you informed.  You can find out more info by going to www.myspace.com/vonmindenhotel


Tue, Oct 3rd 6:34pm


Hey folks....
We have been quite busy driving all over the place playing music. HUGE thanks to all of you who have come out to the shows.
Blood Oranges is still doing very well on charts and radio, so thanks for continuing to request our stuff at both local and XM radio stations.
We're back home for a few days...pretty stoked to play the Cactus in Austin tonight....but Oklahoma and Kansas...we're on our way to see you!
Hope to see you all out on the road soon. Another big thanks to friends, fans, and dancing cats everywhere!
Fri, Sep 8th 4:24pm


I know. What a total creep. I tell you about my adventures of day 1 and then you don't hear from me until I'm basking in the tropical sun. You're not going to hear much from me until my basking in the sun vacation is over. Sadly it will be too soon!!! I'm on an island with my mom and dad, and the whole band. We're having a lovely time getting sunburns and drinking yummy fruity rum drinks. I ask every swim-up bar for an umbrella in my coconut and find I'm only a little amusing with my tourist ways.

Thanks to eveyone who helped us on the road on our last trip. It was a long one! Canada was great, Connecticut was cold(fun to wear sweaters in august!!), Nashville was a blastville, Tulsa was, happily, right where we left it.

We'll be back on the mainland Sunday and I'll be more communicative then. Peace!!


Fri, Aug 18th 2:04am

Don't get me started. Don't even get me started.

As you might guess, things aren't always too quiet out here.  It seems that every day something really jumps out at me and makes me want to make a list and put that list on my website.  But I can't make a list because I get carsick.  So I can only remember a few days at a time and then put that smaller list on my website.  

Day 1, Tuesday Aug15:  Somewhere in southern Illinois on this day quite a few crazy things happened.  I thought I'd had my pick with a couple of crazy teenagers, but then something truly spectacular happened.  Tiffani and I were staying in a Budget Motel(I think we all know what that means).  I was on the phone walking around outside and I turned the corner and looked up into a room that had the curtains drawn but they were almost totally transparent and a light was on in the room.  Guess what I saw...How did you know?  An 80 year-old man standing by the window shaving his legs.  That's right!  shaving his legs.


My battery's gonna die so I'll have to finish this later. 


Wed, Aug 9th 1:33pm

I know all the pics aren't showing.

Hi everybody.  I'd like to introduce you to an exciting new website.  I think you'll really love it.  If you like www.southpawjones.com you will  LOVE www.southpawjones.net

Find out all the dirty little secrets that Southpaw should never tell about being on the road with TGS and Abi Tapia. OK it's not really all about us, but we've left our pawprint.

Mon, Aug 7th 7:10pm

Look at us!

I've got two things for you today...

1) We've moved up to #24 on the Americana Chart!


2) Go here to see some pics taken by Ron Baker at the cd release party last Tuesday.  I always thought my mouth was much smaller than Tiffani's.  I was wrong.




You can view all of them as a slideshow and I'll post some permanently on the site somewhere. 

Fri, Aug 4th 1:16pm


Hey everybody! Right now we're in 3rd place for the 2006 HEMI awards for new band of the year.  If you want to help, we might take over 1st...and then the world!  We'd stuff the ballot but you can only vote once.

Go to www.americanahighway.com .  It may be a little slow...but pretend that it's five years ago.  Click and wait. 


What a super night we had at the Cactus Cafe.  I hope you had a lovely time as well.  Thanks to the huge number of you who came out and I hope you're enjoying your new cd.  Thanks Southpaw for playing a holy wow set.

and Kari the Mom, Larry Paul, Bill, and Timmy for making us sound great...you know...like a real band!



We've jumped to #26 on the Americana chart. That's a huge leap for us.  Thanks djs for spinning us!  Check out the link for the complete chart.  Scroll down...it's from another day. 

Mon, Jul 24th 2:03pm

What a trip...

There may be different accounts of this story...check www.abitapia.com  or www.southpawjones.com for their versions. 
I'd love to tell of how we played in St. Louis at Off Broadway and hung out with Beetle Bob.  I'd be thrilled to regale you with drunken debaucherous tales of Stagger Inn in Edwardsville.  But...As there was no power in all of the St. Louis area, there are no stories.  We're musicians, not meteorologists, even if the nerdiest among us thinks he is.  I wish the circumstances would've been different, and I hope you'll stay tuned for rescheduled appearances by not only The Ginn Sisters, but also The Austin Americana Carpool Jamboree....though that band might have broken up.  I'll check on that. 

Thanks to everyone who came out to the KC Hall in Effingham.  What a thrill to play with Bill, Larry Paul AND Larry Passalacqua and Bill Martin and Ted Grunloh. The audience was truly bang-up....the crowd had to be thrown out and the cheering and shouting wouldn't stop.  I hope you know what a mark you make in our lives.  I've hardly scratched the surface on the thank-yous.  We won't be back for another performance no matter how much you twist our arms, so don't even try.  Or we'll call the cops.  Seriously.

Mon, Jul 17th 9:10pm


Did you see this guys?
Sat, Jul 15th 11:57pm

More Radio!

You can find us on XM Radio as well! On X-Country
Thu, Jul 13th 7:15pm

Radio whoa whoa

I'll put this up on a real page soon, but just in case you're wondering where you can hear some on-air TGS...

*WSGE 91.7 FM  Dallas, NC 28034


*WEFT  90.1 FM Champaign, IL

*WBCG 98.9 Port Charlotte, Fla 


*KUT 90.5 FM Austin, TX

*KOOP 90.1 Austin, TX

*KTEP FM El Paso, TX


size="4">*KRCB Santa Rosa, CA


*KFAN Fredericksburg, TX

*WSLR Ssarasota FL

*KEOS 89.1 FM College Station/Bryan, TX


Thu, Jul 6th 1:42am

Austin Chronicle Review, FAR Chart

I'm really glad that Noah saw this first because I was a little nervous to read this by myself...Tif and Bill are in Effingham and I was supposed to go pick up a Chronicle in the morning.  But...now we can all read it here together.


I would like to point out something that the article in the Chronicle failed to mention.  We have two very accomplished lead guitar players on the album.  Larry Paul Passalacqua provides parts on Down the Drain, 2 Cool 2 Cry, Get It and Go, I'm Clean, Time, and It Don't Matter.  Sound engineer and producer, Bradley Kopp, contributes leads on Broken Spirit, Hard Fall, Let It Burn, Not My Friend, and electric on Get It and Go.   And Kari Ginn adds a beautiful third harmony on Leave Me Standin and Hard Fall.  We're lucky to have had them play with us. 

In other exciting TGS news, we are #3 on the Freeform Americana Roots Chart! You can view the chart here.

We're on the cover of this month's 3rd Coast Music. Pick one up to read a review by John Conquest.

Wed, Jul 5th 10:01pm

I Heart the Coneburg!!





Thanks again to everyone in Peabody, Kansas for a fabulous night at The Coneburg Inn.  Once again, it was a truly lovely time.  The new cd seems to be well-received, even without the washboard solos by Bill.  Took a lot of good video footage that night so look for clips on CMT.  It was Larry's first time at The C, and I think it was all he hoped for and more.  The night went off without a hitch. 

There weren't any real emergencies...not even any murders.  Thanks!!

Wed, Jul 5th 2:51pm

CD Baby

If you want check out some other super bands that kinda fit into our category, you can go to http://cdbaby.com/cd/ginnsisters2

You can order both of our cds there and some other really great stuff.  Go explore cdbaby.com!! 


TGS is featured here... 








If you like us, go there to write a review of our cd to encourage other people to buy.  But if you don't like, please don't!!!!   Or you know, just be honest.  And no foul language.  I'll be monitoring.




Mon, Jul 3rd 4:01pm

Schulenburg CD Release

Thanks Schulenburg!  You made for a great night at the Cozy Theatre, Von Minden Hotel and Freyburg Hall.  We appreciate everyone who came out and a super thanks to those of you who bought CDs, T-shirts, and koozies!!
Wed, Jun 28th 12:24pm

Generally Happy T's

Hi everybody...let's talk for a sec about Generally Happy T-shirts.  I need to take the paypal button off.  I'm an idiot.  I'm sorry.  There are none right now.  We're out.  Sold out.  No mas.  We will have Blood Orange Ts available soon.  We'll have them at our parties and on the website.  I'm not at the computer where I usually work so I can't get to the program to get the button off.  I'm real sorry.

Tue, Jun 27th 12:24pm

We're home!!!  And just in time for one of our two Texas cd release parties.  Blood Oranges is finally here and we'll be in Schulenburg, TX  on Saturday, July 1 at The Cozy Theatre.  We'll play there at 5pm and then move over to the lobby of The Von Minden Hotel(same building you out-of-towners) for blood orange juice and little bites to eat.  Later that night join us for the party party party at Freyburg Hall. You won't want to miss it...we'll have Bill P on bass and Larry Paul playin his blistering guitar breaks that you may have heard on our downloads or if you've ordered your cd online. If you're as opposed to drinking and driving as we are and forgot to tell your designated driver to not get drunk, there are plenty of places to camp.  Bring your tents!  We're peein' in the woods folks.Email us for directions or more info.

If you can't make if to this party, join us in Austin on August 1st at The Cactus Cafe. 

More exciting news....go to cdbaby.com to get your TGS ringtone!!

Tue, Jun 20th 9:08pm

On the raft again...

You gotta go to www.myspace.com/theginnsisters . i just put up a hilarious video!!! You can see me almost fall out of the raft TWICE!! And you can see Bill try to catch me...and I think that's Tiffani screaming in the background.
Sun, Jun 11th 2:07am

I Heart The Bugle Boy

What a great night in La Grange, TX this past Friday.  It was so nice to be so close to home and see some familiar faces.  It's so rare for us!  The Bugle Boy is truly a magical place.  Everyone should check out the calendar.  Lane has a superb lineup planned for the upcoming months.
Thu, May 25th 12:59am

This Crazy Trip!

I'm in a grand hotel in St. Cloud, Minnesota and I keep thinking that this trip can't get any better.  And then, it does!  We've been so fortunate; have seen old friends in Wakonda and Gayville, South Dakota (check out the new pictures from Gayville Hall taken by Jeff Gullikson), strengthened new friendships, and caught a lotta fish!!!  And this week it will be a treat to have LarryPaul back onstage with us!  Thanks to everyone who has helped us along so far and fed us and put a roof over our heads and put a fishing pole in our hands, whether we wanted it or not!  But he was right, we did want to.

...But we'll be home soon for something truly exciting!!  We'll be releasing  "Blood Oranges" just a few short weeks after Kerrville...more excitement is on the way!

Mon, May 8th 12:24pm

Thanks Everybody

We would like to thank everyone who wrote emails concerning our grandmother who passed away Sunday morning.  We appreciate your thoughts and prayers, and again apologize for missing the show at The Mucky Duck in Houston.  We'll reschedule and be back soon!  All our love,

Brit, Tiffani,&Bill

Tue, May 2nd 2:36pm


♥We're getting ridiculously jazzed about the cd. We're choosing pics and editing and putting down the final touches. I hope you're all enjoying "Down the Drain", and "Broken Spirit" if you've gone to www.myspace.com/theginnsisters. It was really hard to decide which songs to put on so I chose the first two cuts off the album. It's also really hard to only put two. I guess we'll all have to wait!!  I can't give anymore away!!♥


Sun, Apr 30th 1:09am

Down the Drain

Hey guess what I did!! I put a track from the new cd on the music page. Can you believe it? I know!! I'm telling you this here because I know nobody goes to the "music" page anymore.
You can check out the first track. It's called "Down the Drain" and is the extended version of what will actually be on the cd, featuring Larry Paul Passalacqua on lead guitar.
...way to go, Brit...thanks you guys. Just thought I should do something nice 'cause we pushed the release date back a little!
Sat, Apr 29th 12:38am


We are getting super excited about the new cd. I know I said May, but ~shockingly~ it's getting pushed back. Didn't want to compete with May flowers. Esp after all these April showers.

Everything seems to be coming together. End of June is what we're shooting for now...so stay tuned! I'll try to put up some clips on www.myspace.com/theginnsisters .
I'm not promising, because it would probably be a lie.

May 13 is going to be a super fun day at Freyburg Hall. Come join us for May Fest! email us for more details.
Sun, Apr 9th 11:00am


I thought I had posted this before...I'm not crazy!!!



Sun, Mar 26th 9:55pm

Southpaw Jones. Yup.

HI!! Don't forget about Southpaw's 1st annual 29th Birthday Celebration and CD Release Party. Thursday March 30 at 8pm.
Check out www.myspace.com/britginn for the full invite. It's right under the Reba look-alike contest winners. I'm so jealous.
Thu, Mar 23rd 3:31pm

Our Latest Greatest

Hi everybody! Hope you're enjoying the pictures...I know I've been promising them for a long long time. Now to get that live webcam up and running. Tiffani can't wait!
We've got some pretty exciting stuff in the works. Our new cd will hopefully hopefully hopefully be out in May. We're planning two release parties: one in Austin-- er um -- somewhere (big surprise), and one in Schulenburg and moving out to Freyburg Hall. Keep May 13 open.

Wed, Mar 8th 9:43pm
Hey everyone....
Change in plans...we will not be playing Artz for South by South Artz (see calendar), but we'll be back home soon, Austinites....
Happy Birthday, Brit!
Sun, Feb 26th 9:22pm
I could have sworn that someone was having a birthday soon...but I guess not.
Sun, Feb 26th 9:21pm
Wow...when Tiffani blogs it's like no one has a birthday coming up...sigh...
Fri, Feb 24th 11:39am
It's that time again, the cleaning out of the car, the packing of clothes, and the quiet lamenting of leaving Austins' hazy days. But when we get back to town, spring will have sprung!
Plus, we're going to some pretty cool places this trip- Decatur, Nashville, Dahlonega!!!
We will be making a mad dash back to Austin for SXSArtz(see calendar), and then make our way up to St. Louis to open for Fred Eaglesmith(see calendar). And then who knows(see calendar)?!
Wed, Feb 15th 10:58am
What a weekend! A very long folking weekend! Folk Alliance!! We played our hearts out, hung with old friends, met new friends, got very little sleep, and had a real good time. The convenience of having the annual folk annoyance here in town this year was too good to be true. A dream- a fuzzy little dream... Thanks to all those who came to see us play. And to those who got our CD, we hope you are enjoying it! Yes, a new recording is in the works! We are keeping our fingers crossed and our noses to the grindstone for an early May release.
Hey locals- we're here in Texas for 3 more shows (please see calendar) until we hit the road again. We're back the last week of March for a show at the Triple Crown. If you can't wait that long, better pen us in your daily organizer!!!
Tue, Jan 17th 2:01pm
Tiffani's birthday is Friday, January 20. We'll be in Strong City, KS. Can you guess how old Tiffani will be?
Tue, Jan 17th 2:00pm
When we're on the road, which we are a lot, we rely on the kindness of the people we've known for a while, the people we've just met and will know for a while, and how helpful these people can be. We invade their houses and eat their food and drink their coffee. Because we're often playing in bars our hours are late and irregular.
So thank you so much to those people who open up their homes to us. It's the part of living on the road that keeps us from getting too homesick.
Ross and Kathy Morgan have taken care of us and even built us our own bedrooms in their brand new, beautiful home! They loaded us up with ski gear (see below) and fed us and gave us directions. We love them and are never leaving! Just kidding. Thanks so much!
Next we'll be invading the Grosse House for a few days. We always get plenty of therapy with Carol and Harvey in Peabody, KS.
Tue, Jan 17th 1:48pm
It's been a lovely trip so far. Wanna hear what I think about skiing? OK.
Brit: I think maybe I should try a smaller mountain first. I've never done this before.
Tiff: You'll get it. I'll stick with you and Larry and Bill will help.
Brit: Thanks Tiff.
Larry: Here's how you stop (and shows with his skis pointing them together in the front)
Bill: Don't forget to shift your weight.
Brit: OK guys I'll try but I still don't think I should....EEEAAAOOOIIIUUUWOWOWOWOWOWOWO Im falling falling falling falling. Right off the ski lift in the way of all the other people coming off the ski lift. Help me help me.
Larry: Get up
Bill: Get out of the way
Brit: I can't get up. Help!!
Larry: Get out of the way
Bill: Get up.
Tiff: I'm on the ground!!! And I'm loving it! I like the way I ski!
Brit: I hate you Larry and Bill. I want to go home.
Larry: Well you'll have to get down this mountain first.
Brit: OK here I go. I'm skiing!! I'm falling falling falling!!!!
Bill: Shift your weight!
Larry: Snowplow snowplow snowplow!!!!
Brit: Why is there a snowplow out here? That doesn't make sense! It's going to run me over.
Larry: No you idiot. Snowplow is the name of that thing I showed you how to stop.
Brit: You didn't tell me that.
Bill: Shift your weight.
Tiff: Let's go down this way, not where Larry and Bill are going. These guys are too fast. Let's go!!! WHEEEE!!!
Brit: OK. They make me nervous.
Tiff and Brit: La La La. Skiing is fun and we can ski better when guys aren't yelling at us to learn real fast. Let's do it again!!!
Bill and Larry: BREAKER 1-9 to Brit and Tiff
Tiff and Brit: We can't hear you. We're skiing down a mountain.
Bill and Larry: Does Brit really hate us?

so that was our lovely skiing experience. how skiing is so popular, i'll never know.
We miss you Austin!!

Thu, Dec 29th 10:18pm
Well i sure do hope that everyone had a super super holiday. i know I did. Didn't quite get enough time, but it was great.
The recording process is coming along very nicely, thanks for asking and we're getting closer and closer to the release date, which we will release in time.
We've got three pretty extensive tours in the works and we hope you'll spread the word to your peoples across the nation that we're on our way.
January is completely booked but we'll be in Austin almost all of February. If you're in Austin you can see us at Momo's every Wednesday night at 8pm.
Enjoy the New Year's Celebration. If you don't have plans email us and we'll give you directions to Freyburg Hall, where we'll be.
Mon, Dec 12th 2:15am
So so sorry that we missed two (2) TWO gigs last week. We tried to let everyone know about it, but sometimes we suck. Those shows (San Marcos and Houston) are being rescheduled.

But hooray here's some good news! We are back in the studio. Very exciting stuff. We started laying a few things down last week...Tiffani and Larry Paul's guitar tracks. Strong work!! And we'll be hard at work this week as well.

We do have time for a show in La Grange, TX at The Bugle Boy. It's gonna be so much fun. We played there before with the super Abi Tapia and this time we'll be playing with our mother! Yay!!

See calendar for details. Smoooooch!!
Sat, Dec 10th 3:07pm

Happy Birthday Mom!!!! Hope you're having a super day!

Sat, Dec 10th 3:06pm
Thu, Nov 17th 1:56pm
Do people read this side? i wonder that a lot, and sometimes i doubt it, which is why i don't always add anything new on this side. So just to see if anyone is reading it, why don't you write it on the "say hello" page and tell me if i should install the live web-cam in tiffani's house. I think it's a great idea, but I think I need a little support.

I also want to tell you about a brand new place called Cafe Caffeine. I think it wins the award for Best Public Restroom...i always dim the lights a little when i go in. It's lovely. Cafe Caffeine is located in South Austin on 909 W Mary St, Austin TX, 78704. {(512) 447-9473} If you don't live in 04 don't worry about it, they're very welcoming in South Austin. If you haven't been to check it, you should. Thursday nights are really starting to pop. Bill Poss arranges the neighborhood music line-up and the shows are from 9-11. Nov 17 we'll be there and we'll have our friend Abi Tapia as a very special guest. Next Thursday there will be another host with another special guest and i'll let you know as soon as i remember.
Thu, Oct 27th 4:46pm
It's so great to be back in Awesome, TX...I mean Austin, TX!! We've got some shows coming up and hope that you'll all come out because we miss you soooo much! Check out the calendar and drop us a line!
Tue, Oct 4th 3:19pm
We're getting ready to head back out. Playing in Conroe Friday and Saturday in Sherman on our way out of Texas.
Here's the Sherman info:
Time for celebrating Herefords and...Feeling Good Again!
You don't want to miss this important fundraiser. Come party with us and socialize with other THA members, mingle with guests, sip a cocktail, enjoy a great meal, and -- do it all to the sounds of the Robert Earl Keen Band and The Ginn Sisters.
~~Saturday, October 8, 2005
~~Shafer Ranch, 6.7 miles east of US 75 on US 82
~~Left on Smith Oak Road to entrance.
Festivities begin at 6:00pm
For more info or tickets, call 817-831-3161
or email: texashereford@sbcglobal.net
Wed, Sep 28th 3:19pm
Hello everybody!!!
Who loves The Triple Crown? I do. And i love Andy!!! Thanks for bringing out your buds to hear us play last week. We had a ton of fun.
This Friday we'll be at MacHenry's in ForthWorth, TX. The crowd was super awesome when we played there in August and we hope that you'll all come back this time.
Next week we have a few shows in Texas and then we're heading back out to the Midwest. We'll be back in time to do a LiveSet on KUT and then in Houston at the Mucky Duck on October 30th.
Sat, Sep 10th 2:36pm
Hi kids! We're super excited this week to be heading to Winfield, Kansas for the Bluegrass Festival. But we'll be back soon...it's not like we're gonna be gone for four months or anything. That would be crazy and unheard of! Ha. It's been nice to be in our own homes for a while. (Brit's current home is located inside Santa Rita TexMex Cantina...come visit!)
We've got some shows coming up and hope that you'll all come say hi and dance and hear our latest greatest.
Thanks also for the msgs on the site. By the way, Ashlee, if you're reading this tell Jessica hi.
Mon, Aug 29th 5:49pm
***Labor Day Weekend, Sept 2nd, 3rd, 4th***
Sat open 2pm-1am, Sun 2pm-12am, Mon 12-6pm

Featuring LIVE MUSIC by The Ginn Sisters, Abi Tapia, Bill Passalacqua, and The
Pettit Brothers.

This weekend we will be re-opening Freyburg Hall (near Schulenburg, TX) to the
public. Freyburg Hall was established in 1912 and has been a functioning
music/dance/festival venue with a few interruptions for almost 100 years.

We welcome campers, bikers, trail riders, pickers, people of all religious and
ethnic backgrounds. We are striving to create a family-friendly atmosphere where
everyone can enjoy the music and events. We will be serving beer, wine, tea,
lemonade and food.

Please pass this email along to all of your festival and music-lovin'
friends...pickers or not!

For info, schedule, directions, call 512-203-4619
Fri, Aug 12th 12:35pm
And, finally, we'll be playing in Texas!!!

~**CANCELLED**Wednesday, August 24~~Threadgill's World Headquarters Austin, 9pm(cover and full band!!) Sorry folks, but we won't be playing at Threadgill's this time. But please come check us out at Baby A's on Sunday, August 28.

Tue, Jul 26th 12:45pm
Think about us tonight (Friday, August 12)...We'll be driving back to Austin!!! The Blue Moon Cafe in Hasting, NE is our last gig of this tour and it ends at 10pm, at which time we'll load up and head out!!! We've had so much fun: Whitewater Rafting in Colorado~~ thanks Costellos!!, camping in Colorado and Wyoming, and playing at places we'd never been.

Why haven't you seen us around Austin?

~Wednesday, July 27~~Aroma's in Lubbock, TX, 7:30-9:30pm
~Friday, July 29~~House Concert in Almont, CO, 7:30pm
~Saturday, July 30~~Rock n Soul in Boulder, CO, 7:30pm
~Saturday, August 6~~Lower Baxter Ballroom in Bozeman, MT, 10-1:30am
~Sunday, August 7~~Sweet Pea Festival in Bozeman, MT, 12-1pm
~Thursday, August 11~~Grand Theatre in Grand Island, NE, 7-9:30pm
~Friday, August 12~~Blue Moon Coffee Company in Hastings, NE, 8-10:00pm
****Then we'll head back to Austin!!! We have two shows on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24. So you have two chances to come play with us...
~Wednesday, August 24~~Triple Crown in San Marcos, TX, 6-8pm
~Wednesday, August 24~~Threadgill's World Headquarters Austin, 9pm(cover and full band!!)
~Thursday, August 25~~Poor David's Pub with special guests Bill and Larry Paul Passalacqua
~Friday, August 26~~The Tin Melon in Weathorford, TX, 8-11
~Saturday, August 27~~Up A Creek, 7:30-9:30pm
Wed, Jul 20th 7:18pm
What a super time we had in the Fort Worth area!! Our thanks to all of our friends who were so hospitable (esp Rob and Melinda!). We had a great turn-out for the shows and had a blast in the camper!! Check out the new dates below....spread the word. All our love....
~Sunday, July 24~~Baby A's on Barton Springs, 6-9pm
Wed, Jul 13th 1:53pm
Hey everyone in the Fort Worth area or friends of people in the Fort Worth area...
The Ginn Sisters will be there this weekend July 15-17 with Southpaw Jones opening. Hope you'll all come out...or tell your friends!

***Ft. Worth Area with Southpaw Jones!!***
July 15~~Possum Kingdom, TX~~The Rockin' S, 8-11pm 940-779-3499
July 16~~Weatherford, TX~~The Tin Melon, 8-11pm
July 17~~Ft.Worth,TX~~MacHenry's, 8-11pm
Fri, Jul 8th 1:16pm
We're home!! But not for long...It's Friday so come out to Freddie's Place on South 1st (right next to Jovita's). We'll be playing tonight (Friday, July 8) from 6-9 pm. We hope to see you while we're in town.
Wed, Jun 22nd 2:12pm
Hey folks!! We're winding down this trip and we will be in austin soon! I hope you've all made big plans to come out to Freddie's (on S. 1st) Friday, July 8 at 6pm!!

Thanks to everyone for saying hello and we'll get y'all on our mailing list so you can know when we're coming back to your town. Don't worry Ethan, we'll come back soon!!!

Today we're in New York City and, now that we're out of the car, we're having a great time. I've made some changes on the dates and times below so check it out and come out to see us! If we're not going to be in your town soon, I bet you have some friends where we'll be so let them know. Thanks for checking on us.
Wed, Jun 15th 12:56am
~~~Where we've been~~~

*Thursday, June 16~~River's Edge Bistro, 7:30-10:30 pm~~Tulsa, OK

*Friday, June 17~~Brick Bat, 8pm-12am~~Effingham, IL

*Saturday, June 18~~Joe sippers~~Effingham, IL

*Sunday, June 19~~The Barking Spider 9-11:30pm~~Cleveland, OH

*Monday, June 20~~Bullfrog 8-10pm~~Williamsport, PA

*Tuesday, June 21~~The Bitter End 7:30pm~~NYC, NY

*Thursday, June 23~~The Fire 9pm~~Philly

*Friday, June 24~~The Purple Fiddle 7:30pm~~Thomas, WV www.purplefidddle@citilink.net

*Sunday, June 26~~Ravissant Winery, Grand Opening Festival 3-6pm~~Belleville, IL www.ravissantwinery.com

*Monday, June 27~~The Bluebird~~Nashville, TN

*Thursday, June 30~~The Green Lantern w/ the Poss Family Band 7:30pm~~Effingham, IL

*Sunday, July 3~~Private party~~Effingham, IL
Tue, Jun 7th 5:30pm
Hi everybody. Trying to get the new calendar uploaded but i'm having a little difficulty. Keep checking in and they'll be up soon.
But 'til then, here's a little update! We recently returned from another Midwest tour, and after we decided not to be sick anymore, we had a great time. Got to play with some great musicians, including Larry Paul Passalacqua and Charlie Roth. We got some great video footage and that'll be released soon.
When we got home we left again right away for the kerrville folk festival and got to spend some time in our lovely new pop-up camper. We didn't mind the rain at all!
We'll be in Livingston, TX, with Bill Passalacqua on June 11 at 8:30 pm and then we're hitting the road again!
Don't worry, Austinites! We haven't forgotten you. We'll be back on July 8 to play at Freddie's from 6-9 pm. Hope you'll come out...we miss you!!!

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